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We support visionary founders across Europe as they build the next generation of B2B software companies.
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We invest in early-stage B2B software.
We stand by our founders. 
We talk straight.
We are Nauta.

Investing in success, with success

Operating across Europe, we partner with exceptional founders that strive to disrupt industries with technology. Our primary verticals include:

RetailTech | RevenueTech | Fintech | Insurtech | Productivity | HealthTech | Enterprise Software | DevTools & Infra | AI/ML & Data | Security & Privacy | Deep Tech



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We invest early in B2B software companies with an operating product, even if pre-revenue.

If this is you, we want to hear about your journey.

Deep dive into our portfolio

Introducing ESProfiler: the continuous security investment validation platform

Having experienced firsthand the frustrations of how limited security budgets were being poorly utilised, ESProfiler was founded to address this disconnect between enterprise security investment and security needs. Their solution? A centralised platform that fuses security lifecycle with security threats with incredible visibility and unparalleled clarity...

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Introducing Treblle: a powerful tool to empower a complex and confusing API landscape with seamless clarity

Having personally suffered at the hands of inefficient corporate platforms throughout their professional careers, Vedran and Darko quickly came to realize that platform quality was of utmost importance. What the market lacked was a powerful API observability platform providing big picture context around APIs, and that didn’t cause recurring headaches to use. And that’s just what they did.

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Introducing Loyal Guru: an all-in-one platform that analyses individual customers to create automated bespoke loyalty programs

Loyal Guru was first introduced to the world back in 2016 when co-founders Borja Sanfeliu and Javi Fernández decided to address the intelligence, or lack thereof, issue plaguing the world of personalisation marketing. Their response? A platform empowering retailers to individually personalise loyalty programs at scale whilst simultaneously optimising their marketing budgets.

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Introducing ifeel: an emotional well-being platform that offers personalised therapy solutions and support through a convenient digital interface

Although the Covid-19 pandemic brought the mental health crisis to the forefront of public discussion, it remains a serious issue plaguing individuals, companies, and societies alike. ifeel was created to address these very issues by providing expertly designed access to mental healthcare at both the individual and corporate levels.

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Introducing MishiPay: a fully fledged mobile self-checkout solution to the inconvenience of physical stores

MishiPay was first conceived back in 2015 when CEO & founder Mustafa Khanwala stood in a supermarket queue for over 20 minutes all to purchase a single can of soda. It was from this frustration that Mustafa derived his virtual mobile scan & pay solution to the pains of both customer and store alike, and that solution was MishiPay.

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Introducing Cledara: An all-in-one SaaS management platform helping companies keep costs under control

Having seen first-hand the internal challenges many companies face when using SaaS, Cristina was inspired to help companies manage those headaches. In 2018 she created Cledara and was shortly joined by her co-founder Brad van Leeuwen. When we met them, we knew they had a winning ticket.

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